Estava eu bestando no last fm,vendo nos charts quais artistas mais haviam “crescido” nessa semana (The God, The Bad and The Queen, mais uma superbanda na área) quando me deparei também com a faixa que mais subiu em quantidade de execuções, e era uma chamada Grace Kelly, de um tal de MIKA. As tags eram pop, funny e coisas assim e eu resolvi baixar.
Me lembrei do meu post sobre músicas que falam de atores, e sei que só arranhei a superfície. Agora, mesmo, já tem essa, uma do Long Blondes e até mesmo Vogue, que por algum motivo esqueci de comentar (ainda que os atores/atrizes só sejam citados no final da música).
Testei na louca por Grace Kelly no soulseek. Achei a do Eels, achei a própria Grace cantando com Bin Crosby em Alta Sociedade, achei o MIKA e ainda mais duas, uma delas de punk!
Aparentemente, essa música foi o estouro de MIKA. Achei uma entrevista em que ele fala sobre como se sentia irritado com as pessoas tentando fazer com que ele escrevesse músicas que não eram realmente “ele mesmo”. E aí ele jogou sua raiva nessa canção, mandou pra várias dessas pessoas (do meio musical) e ninguém respondeu. E a canção acabou estourando. Nessa música existem trechos de um filme da atriz, citação a um Freddie (imagino que o Mercury). Vi o Thiago Ney comentando o Mika como próxima sensação:
Mika. De novo ele. O pianista pop prodígio de 23 anos, nascido no Líbano e radicado em Londres, está sendo levado por caminhos já conhecidos de gente como Strokes, Lily Allen e Arctic Monkeys.
Os jornais britânicos estão loucos com o figura, cuja música (e voz) é uma mistura de Prince, Elton John, Freddie Mercury e disco music. A última veio do ‘Independent’, para quem Mika será a ‘sensação pop do ano que vem’. Esse ‘ano que vem’ é 2007 -a reportagem foi publicada em 31 de dezembro de 2006.
O disco de estréia, ‘Life in Cartoon Motion’, sai em março, inclusive no Brasil. Vá ao e ouça as sensacionais ‘Grace Kelly’, ‘Billy Brown’ e ‘Relax, Take it Easy’."
Fica aí a dica, a música é legal mesmo.
Eu nunca pensei numa Grace Kelly triste, ainda que em face de como sua vida terminou, não falo nem do acidente, pudesse ser encarada como melancólica.
Grace Kelly
Do I attract you?
Do I repulse you with my queasy smile?
Am I too dirty?
Am I too flirty?
Do I like what you like?
I could be wholesome
I could be loathsome
I guess I’m a little bit shy
Why don’t you like me?
Why don’t you like me without making me try?
I try to be like Grace Kelly
But all her looks were too sad
So I try a little Freddie
I’ve gone identity mad!
I could be brown
I could be blue
I could be violet sky
I could be hurtful
I could be purple
I could be anything you like
Gotta be green
Gotta be mean
Gotta be everything more
Why don’t you like me?
Why don’t you like me?
Why don’t you walk out the door!
How can I help it
How can I help it
How can I help what you think?
Hello my baby
Hello my baby
Putting my life on the brink
Why don’t you like me
Why don’t you like me
Why don’t you like yourself?
Should I bend over?
Should I look older just to be put on the shelf?
I try to be like Grace Kelly
But all her looks were too sad
So I try a little Freddie
I’ve gone identity mad!
I could be brown
I could be blue
I could be violet sky
I could be hurtful
I could be purple
I could be anything you like
Gotta be green
Gotta be mean
Gotta be everything more
Why don’t you like me?
Why don’t you like me?
Why don’t you walk out the door!
Say what you want to satisfy yourself
But you only want what everybody else says you should want
I could be brown
I could be blue
I could be violet sky
I could be hurtful
I could be purple
I could be anything you like
Gotta be green
Gotta be mean
Gotta be everything more
Why don’t you like me?
Why don’t you like me?
Why don’t you walk out the door!
Essa outra é da banda Piebald, que é bem ruim, por sinal. Não pretendo ouvir nunca mais, hahahaha. É bem chatinha, enfim, e os filmes da Grace nem tinham um padrão assim...
Grace Kelly With Wings
That's more than a dress it's a Grace Kelly movie
You can see my benefit
Leave it on my doorstep or on my windowsill
I've got to take care of it, I've got to water it
You can light the candle while I get the lights
The cactus needs more light we've got to take care of it
That's more than a dress that's a Grace Kelly movie
Dressed up to the nodes' we'll make our grand entrance
With prickers in our fingers we tried to take care of it
We can't work like this and on she said
That's more than a dress you can see my benefit, yeah (x2)
That's more than a dress throw caution to the wind, yeah (x2)
And you've got the sexy legs
And that's more than a dress you can see my benefit
And you can see my (x3)
And thats more than a dress, you can see my benefit
And you can see my (x3)
And so my feet got cold
So I put my socks on, now im back on track
I just might take your ?
So what if it’s in my eyes (x3)
Leave it on my doorstep or on my window sill
With prickers in our fingers we try to take care of it
And that's more than a dress, that's a Grace Kelly movie
Acho que essa fala do acidente? Não sei. Essa é uma banda alemã de punk... Ainda que a música seja mais levinha, mais pra pop-rock.
Die Ärzte - Grace Kelly
Es war in Monaco letztes Jahr
Ich strich ihr zärtlich über's Haar
Sie sah auf die Uhr, dann sah sie mich an:
"Es ist schon spät, ich muß zurück zu meinem Mann!"
Und ich ließ sie gehen.
Warum habe ich sie gehen lassen?
Dafür werde ich mich immer hassen.
Grace Kelly, paß auf, in der Kurve lauert der Tod.
Grace Kelly, paß auf, in der Kurve lauert der Tod.
So fuhr sie davon, und sie war so schön!
Ich hab' sie als letzter noch lebend gesehen....
Sie winkte noch einmal mit der linken Hand,
bevor sie um die nächste Kurve verschwand.
Und das Volk weinte mit mir.
Grace Kelly, verlaß mich nicht
Wie soll ich leben ohne Dich?
Grace Kelly paß auf..
Ficou meio especial Grace Kelly, mas pra fechar, vamos de Long Blondes e Madonna, sem mais delongas.
Edie Sedgwick, Anna Karina, Arlene Dahl
por The Long Blondes
Como não achei uma foto bonita da Edie tipo portrait, não resisti a colocar essa, com o Andy._

Anna Karina

Arlene Dahl
Lust In The Movies
A svelte young man, eighteen lovers to his name
And if the rumours are true then eighteen lovers came crawling back again
I don't feel well, I've got this rattling in my chest
The doctor said that I should give you up because I'm clinically obsessed
In the movies, you're in the movies
You're "in the movies" and you don't want to know me
But I know all about fear and desire, I know all about lust etc
Edie Sedgwick
Anna Karina
Arlene Dahl
I just want to be your sweetheart
A sweet young girl, dressed to the nines in cacharel
I'm under the weather, my heels click together and following her is hell
I feel quite ill, I've got this rattling in my chest
The doctor said that I should give it up, I need to get some rest
So never never never try to tell me it's a pleasure being alone
All I have here with me are the records and the books that I own
nag nag nag
nag nag nag
nag nag nag
Bette Davis, Monroe, Brando etc
por Madona
Pra não encher de foto, escolhi a Bette Davis..._
What at you looking at?
Strike a pose
Strike a pose
Vogue, vogue, vogue
Vogue, vogue, vogue
Look around everywhere you turn is heartache
It's everywhere that you go [look around]
You try everything you can to escape
The pain of life that you know [life that you know]
When all else fails and you long to be
Something better than you are today
I know a place where you can get away
It's called a dance floor, and here's what it's for, so
Come on, vogue
et your body move to the music
[move to the music]
Hey, hey, hey
Come on, vogue
Let your body go with the flow
[go with the flow]
You know you can do it
It makes no difference if you're black or white
If you're a boy or a girl
If the music's pumping it will give you new life
You're a superstar, yes, that's what you are,you know it
Come on, vogue
Let your body groove to the music
[groove to the music]
Hey, hey, hey
Come on, vogue
Let your body go with the flow
[go with the flow]
You know you can do it
Beauty's where you find it
Not just where you bump and grind it
Soul is in the musical
That's where I feel so beautiful
Magical, life's a ball
So get up on the dance floor
Vogue, [Vogue]
Beauty's where you find it
[move to the music]
Vogue, [Vogue]
Beauty's where you find it [go with the flow]
Greta Garbo, and Monroe
Dietrich and DiMaggio
Marlon Brando, Jimmy Dean
On the cover of a magazine
Grace Kelly; Harlow, Jean
ture of a beauty queen
Gene Kelly, Fred Astaire
Ginger Rodgers, dance on air
They had style, they had grace
Rita Hayworth gave good face
Lauren, Katherine, Lana too
Bette Davis, we love you
Ladies with an attitude
Fellows that were in the mood
Don't just stand there, let's get to it
Strike a pose, there's nothing to it
Vogue, vogue
Oooh, you've got to
Let your body move to the music
Oooh, you've got to just
Let your body go with the flow
Oooh, you've got to
PS- to chegando nas da Marilyn Monroe. Dava pra fazer um blog só disso. Fica pra depois.